I am looking for truth and even though I know I can only find it inside myself, there is something that always compells me to try and recognize it in others.
What is it?
Maybe I never really believed that whatever I find in me is true enough to be enough.
Even though I understand John Green’s “Never believe a person to be more than a person” speech, deep down I want them to be more than they are so I can actually feel I found the connections I wanted to find.
Connections cannot be forced and therefore I am beginning to realize maybe I never really had one.
What is it about a bond that makes it so breathtakingly essential?
And what is it about us that makes it so devastatingly impossible to feel complete?
Truth is within, nowhere else. If we cannot find it in, maybe we just won’t find it at all.
Originalmente publicado no Medium em março de 2020.
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